While this journey began many years ago as one to protect ourselves and our family, it has now become a much greater calling. Much more than we could do on our own. The Lord has brought together Godly partners that are providing complimentary skills and resources to allow this large undertaking to unfold with ease and joy. At first this was just about us, now it is about the group, the congregation, just as was in the first century.
This awareness has corresponded with our own growth: As Christians, as our faith has developed, we realize our calling is to build in this life for the next along with realizing that we were also involved in a spiritual battle.
That awareness unleashing an understanding of what may be required, has opened our eyes. We also realize that we can’t do it alone and we are not called to do it alone. From a practical sense we need like-minded individuals to be able to survive and prosper.
From a spiritual sense the bible calls us together for worship, fellowship and service. It reminds us the importance of His congregation, the people who love Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior, and that we are called to gather together to worship and serve to honor Him and the Kingdom and to be as the bride of Christ, prepared to welcome Him when He returns.
We have experienced in person, in full blown living color, of the power of people coming together in the name of the Lord, for His kingdom and for His purpose, and how that invites the presence of the Holy Spirt into the equation.
We Journey Together
When two or more gather together in His name His power becomes available.
We are meeting new partners, friends and brothers in Christ to walk with us on this journey. This becomes more critical the closer to His return. Many believe that time may be approaching. The Lord has called us to create a safe haven sanctuary that will honor the Lord and the Kingdom and protect our families and like-minded people in the troubled times and to serve others in need. In doing so we honor Him.
Many believe we may be in, or at least should be prepared for, what common sense and the bible assures us will be coming. We are called to prepare resources to support the congregation and the kingdom. We are responding, we will be prepared.
To those of you who are also receiving a calling, we are happy to share with you our journey in hopes that it may help our fellow Christians find where they are called.
We have included, with permission, some of the resources we relied upon. Our website and ourselves are available to help. The website outlines to what we are called, and the steps that led us there. Our journey may also help you. We pray it acts as a beacon to those who may be called to find out where and what it is you are called during these perilous time. We are available to share our path in hopes it may be of help to you.
In His name, and for His glory. Amen.